After the civil war in 1967, Nigerians became polarized and the country is till nursing the negative impacts of the post civil war experiences. The post civil war saw young people who were given birth to years after raised in sentiment filled society that continues to rift apart the soul of a once peaceful and solidarity filled country who fought for their own freedom. The once united Nigeria became ultimately polarized and these has not only led to prejudice amongst young Nigerians but also has led to a lot of unhealthy rivalry and blood shed on tribal and religious perspective. In addition, discriminations and nepotism t has further has been the other of the day since the civil war ended.
One common Ground for United Humanity Initiatives (1CG-4UHI) is a brainchild of Afriteens Entrepreneurs and Empowerment Network ( ATEENS) help erased the hurts and sentiments created by the civil war and been transmitted from the older generation to the younger generations. 1CG- 4UHI will help Young Nigerians to find a common ground for Social Economic growth and development among the different ethnic and religious groups of the country. The initiatives will help to enlightened the upcoming generations that diversity is beautiful. Rather than use it as a tool to further polarize the nation, it can be used as a common ground for socio economic development of our beloved nation.
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